Description EVENT SPONSOR: Laura Lafauci (Amber Court) and Massapequa Center
Business Networking Long Island-Speed Networking
Part 1: 6:00-6:30 PM - Light Supper and General Networking (Informal)Enjoy an opportunity to mingle with fellow professionals over supper. This is a casual time to establish connections before the structured portion begins. Part 2: 6:30-8:00 PM - Speed NetworkingEngage in focused, one-on-one conversations with other professionals, each lasting about 5 minutes per round. Participants will alternate between rotating and staying seated, ensuring seamless transitions without any awkward entrances or exits. You’ll meet half of the attendees individually during these rounds and connect with the remaining half in group discussions. Important Note: We allow a maximum of two individuals per industry and only one representative per company to keep a diverse networking environment.